Who can participate in NON:op?

Anyone. All are welcome; all participate as equals. You can participate in one project or many; if you have ideas or questions, just send an email to non [at] nonopera [dot] org.

Can my participation take any form I want? Are there rules?

NON:op does not tolerate hateful speech or behavior. Nor will it accept any attempt to demean, marginalize, or oppress any race, faith, orientation, or other classes of people. Each person is an individual and all deserve to be seen for who they are, or wish to become.

Some projects say something about compensating artists. How does that work?

NON:op doesn’t have an abundance of resources, but it does feel that all persons should be paid for their time—unless, of course, they choose to waive payment. We believe in equity: everyone should receive the same wage. Thus all our artists’ fees are calculated on the basis of $15 per hour. If something will take, on average, twenty minutes, we pay $5. If something will take thirty hours, we pay $450. (And don’t hassle us about the amount, okay? We probably agree with you: if the world were as it should be, the basic wage—for everyone—would be closer to $100 per hour.)

I don’t need the payment right now. What do I do?

You have three options: take the payment yourself, donate it back to NON:op’s operating revenues, or contribute it to a designated charity. You make the choice when you apply or submit materials. Contact us at if you have any questions.